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Industry report

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals guide

Thu, September 10, 2020

Dubai’s multi-billion dollar investments in cutting-edge healthcare have transformed it into one of the region’s biggest medical and pharmaceutical investment hubs.

Dubai’s multi-billion dollar investments in cutting-edge healthcare have transformed it into one of the region’s biggest medical and pharmaceutical investment hubs.

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Dubai - A strategic investment haven for health investors.

US$6.8 bn

Pharmaceutical market value by 2025

The market value of the city’s pharmaceutical industry is set to grow to US$6.8 billion by 2025 from US$2.6 billion currently.

US$2.5 bn

Investment in pharmaceuticals

Dubai plans to attract US$2.5 billion in pharmaceutical investments by 2022, with a focus on attracting manufacturing “Super Generics”, Nutraceuticals, 3D implants and Blood Plasma.


YoY increase in trade

Dubai’s volume of external trade in pharmaceutical and medical supplies rose 47% year on year to 48,600 tonnes in Q1, 2021

Healthcare spend and market growth
By 2022 Dubai aims to attract US$2.5bn worth of investment in the pharmaceutical research and manufacturing industries.
Strategic investments powering growth in healthcare
The UAE has invested more than US$2 billion in artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications and services over the past decade, with the healthcare sector among the many industries to have benefitted from this expenditure.
Future opportunities for healthcare investors
Increased foreign investment in Dubai-based high-tech companies will benefit Dubai’s healthcare sector.

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