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Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

Premier destination for health and wellness

Dubai’s distinction in medical tourism is due to its proximity and accessibility to regional markets, attracting patients from all around the globe. The Dubai Health Authority’s (DHA) Health Tourism Department offers a seamless experience for health tourists through the Dubai Health Experience (DHX), bringing together 80 of the city’s leading healthcare providers into one platform for easy access to information. 

Additionally, Free zones like Dubai Science Park (DSP) and Dubai Healthcare City offer attractive incentives for healthcare companies, including tax advantages, foreign ownership, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. These zones host a plethora of companies ranging from pharmaceutical giants to innovative startups, fostering an ecosystem conducive to healthcare innovation and growth. DSP is home to 400+ companies, including global giants like Pfizer, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Amgen and Pharmax Pharmaceutical.

Tech-forward healthcare transformation

Dubai is leading revolutionary initiatives to solidify its position as a global epicentre for healthcare development. These initiatives include Operation 300bn, a key strategy by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, designed to boost the country’s industrial sector. Underlining tech adoption and increased innovation, the plan covers 11 vital industrial sectors, one of which is pharmaceuticals. 

Dubai’s ambition to develop an environment conducive to healthcare start-ups is in line with the Dubai Economic Agenda D33. Further, the city’s 2030 Industrial Strategy emphasises elevating the pharmaceutical and medical device industries' manufacturing capabilities, output, and value-addition.

US$4.63 billion

average annual value of Dubai’s healthcare market.

5.1% of GDP

expected contribution of Dubai’s healthcare sector by 2029.

Dubai Health Investment Guide 2024
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