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Dubai Government initiatives that support business growth

Mon, October 12, 2020

Dubai’s rapid growth is driven by government support and the city's pioneering population propelling sectors including sustainability, renewable energy and tech.

Dubai’s rapid growth is driven by government support and the city's pioneering population propelling sectors including sustainability, renewable energy and tech.

The Dubai Plan 2021

The Dubai Plan 2021 takes a holistic approach ensuring every aspect of residents’ lives and visitors’ experiences’ lives are taken into account when planning for the future.

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One of the aims of The National Agenda is to make the UAE the safest place in the world and to reinforce its citizen's sense of security.

World-Class Healthcare
The National Agenda emphasises the importance of preventive medicine and seeks to reduce cancer and lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to ensure a longer, healthier life for citizens. There is also a push to reduce the prevalence of smoking and increase the healthcare system's readiness to deal with epidemics and health risks.

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