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Growing competitiveness on the global stage

Strategically positioned and ranking in the top 10 Global Financial Centres Index in 2019, Dubai has developed its offering to ensure its competitiveness with other leading financial centres.


The Gate building in Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

MENA fintech investment
The untapped growth of the region lends itself to fintech investment, which soared in the MENA region by 66% between 2014-2019, compared to a global average of 26%.

Global accessibility
3 billion
people living within a four-hour flight
4 billion
people living within an eight-hour flight
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With 3 billion people living within a four-hour flight, and 4 billion within an eight-hour flight, businesses operating from Dubai are able to connect to markets, suppliers and industries from all over the world.

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Whole World Looking at Dubai as a Smart Cities Leader, Says Esri

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