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Request for cancellation of trade licence

For sole proprietorship
Cancellation of labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
For a civil company
  • Cancellation labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
  • A duly notarized partnership termination contract.
For the de-registration of a company

This is applicable to all legal forms of commercial companies.

Phase 1:

  • Notarized minutes of the General Assembly meeting confirming the company liquidation, and the appointment of a liquidator (whose name must be mentioned).
  • A letter issued by the liquidator accepting to liquidate the company along with their documents (copy of the licence, auditor registration certificate, a notarized signature specimen).
  • Payment of AED 520 for the certificate of the company's dissolution and liquidator appointment, subject to the legal advisor's approval.
  • Announcement of liquidation in two Arabic local newspapers for one day only, allowing debtors 45 days to submit their claims.

Phase 2:

  • Submission of the original newspaper in which the announcement was published as well as the company’s final report.
  • A declaration letter from the liquidator and the partners stating no objections were received from any other parties within 45 days from the date of the announcement.
  • Cancellation of labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
  • A copy of the minutes of the General Assembly meeting and a copy of the certificate of dissolution.
For the branch of a foreign company
  • The decision to liquidate the company from the Ministry of Economy's register.
  • An attested decision issued by the Board of Directors to cancel the company.
  • Cancellation of labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
For the branch of a local company
  • The decision of the Board of Directors to cancel the company.
  • Cancellation of labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
For the branch of a free zone company
  • The decision to delete the branches of the free zone companies registered with the Ministry of Economy.
  • An attested decision of the parent company to cancel the free zone company branches (for companies not registered with the Ministry of Economy).
  • Cancellation of labour cards through the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
For a company whose licence has expired for more than two years

Phase 1:

  • An undertaking by the local partner that he is liable for the company’s debts.
  • Submission of the documents supporting the reason for the cancellation of the licence (such as: a proof stating that the partner stayed outside the country for more than six months or that the partner's whereabouts is unknown).
  • Announcement of liquidation in widely circulated Arabic newspapers for one day only, with a 15-day grace period for debtors to submit their requests.
  • A completed undertaking stating that the company has no liabilities recorded and assuming full responsibility for the validity of such statement (the form is available at authorised service centres).

Phase 2:

  • Submit the original newspaper in which the announcement of the company’s cancellation was published.
  • Cancellation of labour cards with the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
These are the fees associated with cancelling your trade licence:
  • Licence cancellation fee: AED 1,020
  • Company dissolution fee: AED 2,520

You can pay via direct debit at Dubai Islamic Bank, Commercial Bank of Dubai, or Emirates Islamic. To make your payment with cash or cheque, please visit Aafaq Islamic Finance, Noor Bank, Commercial Bank of Dubai, or Emirates Islamic.

Where to apply
You can visit any of the available service centres for this request. The service will be completed within 10 minutes.
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